Tuesday 29 April 2014

Introduction to Photography (Week 4, exercise 2)

25th April 2014
Chia Kha Wen 0319625
Exercise 2b (Shutter speed) and 2c (ISO)

   On that day, we have two topics to discuss, about ISO and Shutter Speed. Firstly, same as last lesson, we had a group discussion about ISO. After group discussion, Mr Vinod gave us a summary on ISO and then he gave us an exercise (exercise 2c). On that exercise, Mr Vinod asked us 2 question and prove to him by pictures, We were allowed to go outside of the classroom to do our exercise. Second discussion was start after we had finish our exercise 2c, this discussion is about Shutter speed. Compared to the first discussion, second discussion was smoother. At the end of the class, Mr Vinod gave us a homework (exercise 2b) regarding shutter speed.

Exercise 2b~
By using a ceiling fan,  keep the fan speed at 1 and capture images using shutter settings from 1/1000th of second until 1/4th of second. Repeat this exercise after changing the fan speed from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3 and so on.
1. Capture the picture of the fin of ceiling fan with the shutter speed 1/1000th.
2. Slowly decrease the number of shutter speed, stop until when it is 1/4th.
3. Adjust the ISO and aperture while decreasing the shutter speed.
4. Repeat the step above with another 2 type of fan speed.

Exercise 2ci~
Does ISO effect exposure? Yes (prove it)
 ISO: 200
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8
  ISO: 400
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

  ISO: 800
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

ISO: 1600
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

My shutter speed exercise was not very accurate because I didn't start with the right exposure according to your camera, hence my picture was dark at 1/1000. This was probably due to a lack of light. For the ISO exercise the exercise seems accurate accept that Mr Vinod didn't see to much difference in the pictures when the exposure was changed, it didn't get a lot lighter..., so perhaps here again I didn't start with the right exposure. The subject (model) was also blurred, I must pay more attention when taking pictures and review your shots before wrapping up your exercise.

Exercise 2cii~
What happens when the ISO is increased? (prove it)
 ISO: 200
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f5
  ISO: 400
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f5.6

   ISO: 800
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f7.1
  ISO: 1600
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f8


From the first discussion, I had learn that ISO is a sensor to light.
Lower ISO= Lower sensitive= Less light needed
High ISO= High sensitive= More light needed
On the second discussion, I know that shutter speed is while you taking the picture, the moment that you allow light goes in the lens and captured. From those exercise, I realised that ISO, shutter speed and aperture was form like a triangle. To capture a nice photo, must balence or adjust 3 of them only that with a good result.

Observation:  On Thursday night, I have a hard time on my bed, keep trying to fall asleep but failed. At 4am something I only managed to fall asleep and I get up at 6am to prepare to campus. That is why on Friday class I was very sleepy. At here, I would like to apology to Mr Vinod. I am so sorry that I did not behave well in class, I will change it.

Findings: From those discussion and exercise, I had know more about how to adjust ISO, shutter speed and aperture by using a manual mode DSLR. On the first week, I was blur and dun know how to use my camera, but after few exercise finally I understand my camera well. Thus, I understood that asking is a important stage during learning process.

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