Wednesday 7 May 2014

Introduction to photography (week 5, exercise 3a and 3b)

2nd May 2014 (week 5)
Chia kha wen 0319625
Exercise 3a (Light, middle, and dark tones) 3b (Ansel Adams shot)

On that day there is a bit different compared to last few lessons. We start our class by doing a quiz on twitter by Mr Vinod. After that as normal we had a group discussion about the Zone system. This discussion help me a lot, it because before this discussion I had read those information given by Mr Vinod but I did not understand it well. Finally I understand the concept on Zone system. After that, Mr Vinod gave us a lecture about more on zone system. We get an exercise (exercise 3a) from Mr Vinod which also been done at outside of the class. After our exercise were approved  by Mr Vinod, we get our assignment to do at home.

Instruction for exercise 3a:
1. Capture the object with the balanced exposure meter.
2. After that use black and white system in your camera to capture.
3. Capture 3 type (light, middle and dark tones) of pictures.  In another words,  to take white, middle grey and black tones object pictures.
4. Make sure that the pictures are in the right tone (at least 4 tones)

Instruction for exercise 3b:
1. Capture the object with the balanced exposure meter.
2. Sketch your result on a piece of paper and predict which of the tones on which side.
3. Capture the same picture with black and white.
4. Make sure that the result have all 9 zone.

Feedback:  My pictures must be in black and white. The last picture in exercise 3a was blur, must be careful when focusing next time. The exercise 3b was also blur, I must take your pictures using a tripod especially when using a slow shutter speed. Also be careful when pressing the click button.

Experience~ During the lecture, I had know more about Zone system. It makes me recall fundamental drawing, shading, 9 zone from black to white. Before we going out class to do our exercise, Mr Vinod demonstrate us on what we are going to do and how to do it. While doing both exercise, my camera does not have black and white system. So I need to edit my original picture to black and white.

Observation~ During lecture, I observed that there was some diffrent compare to your result and what you see in reality. Nonetheless, I obeserved those in 70 or 80 century photographer's work. On that time do not have colour, only black and white. After that while Mr Vinod demonstrate us on those exercise, I found that by showing is easier than explain . It is because you can 
know what you are going to do. 

Finding~ From that day lesson, I understand that the normal pictures that we have taken last few week all considered 
as zone 5 (middle grey). Moreover, I learned that there was total 9 zone in zone system .

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