Wednesday 21 May 2014

Introduction to Photography (Week 6/7, Exercise 4a and 4b)

9th May 2014 / 16th May 2014 (Week 6/7)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Exercise 4a (Rule of Third) and 4b (Principles underpinning composition)

   On this lesson, we learnt a new topic, composition. Using the Rule of Thirds comes natural to some photographers but for many of us. It takes a little time and practise for it to become second nature. The rule of thirds is probably the most often referenced photography rule of composition. The photography rule of thirds tells us to align our subject with one of the points where those lines cross. That means our subject is one third of the way into the picture space from either the top or bottom, and from either the left or right. In conclusion, it's not in the middle.

    There are 4 type of composition in photography which is rules of third, counterpoint, triangular composition and multipoint. Apart from the already mentioned rules that govern or guide composition there are also principles of design that underpin composition. These principles can also be used when composing or considering elements within a picture. The principles are: Domination / Emphasis / Isolation / Balance / Repetition / Alignment / Contrast / Rhythm / Symmetry / Asymmetry / Harmony.

Instruction for exercise 4a:
~Capture 3 images adhering to the rule of third:
-1 person
-3 persons
-1 scenery
-Use what you have learned in the Zone system exercises here.

1 person:
ISO- 200
shutter speed- 1/4
aperture- f14

3 persons:
ISO- 200
shutter speed- 1/13
aperture- f5

ISO- 200
Shutter speed- 1/13
aperture- f9

Instruction for exercise 4b:
~Capture 4 images adhering any 4 of them (Domination / Emphasis / Isolation / Balance / Repetition / Alignment / Contrast / Rhythm / Symmetry / Asymmetry / Harmony.)

ISO- 640
Shutter speed- 1/10
aperture- f2.8

Shutter speed- 1/6
aperture- f6.3

ISO- 400
Shutter speed- 1/6
aperture- f6.3

ISO- 400
Shutter speed- 1/6
aperture- f6.3

The exercise 4a while conforms to a degree with regard to composition is extremely poor in terms of exposure.

~Experience : Through both exercise, I found that work in a group was fun and I enjoy it. Because we could share our result and techniques by different modal of DSLR. During the exercise, I experienced  that you must change ISO, aperture, and shutter speed fast while you taking a picture. Furthermore, I had learnt new thing, composition. Composition was something like a art of photography, sometimes even tell us a story. On exercise 4a, I asked my course mate to be my model. I felt sorry for them because they need to stand at there for few minutes to let me change the setting and capture it. After these few exercise, I found that I had know more and function it well about my camera. I am so glad about it.

~Observation: From previous exercise, I had observed some part of this subject were related to another subject like fundamental drawing and principle of design. Moreover, I had observed that to capture a nice image you must be quick in changing ISO, aperture and shutter speed. While doing the exercise, I realise that using a tripod was better than without tripod. Because if you are doing without tripod, it is not fixed and easily change place, and then the light meter changed. If you are using tripod is better, because everything would be fixed easily. 

~Findings: From the first exercise until now, I felt that I am improving although was not improving a lot but still little by little. I am so glad and proud of it, because last time for me is like just using a auto mode camera focus it and then capture it, no worries at all. But for now I had a hard time to capture a image by using manual mode DSLR, I am poor at technical things like the function of manual mode DSLR and anything that related to IT. Through all the exercise, I was able to function it well when using manual mode DSLR and I enjoy while capturing image.

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