Tuesday 22 April 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 3, exercise 2)

18th April 2014 (week 3)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Exercise 2: Aperture

   On that day morning, Mr Vinod called us sat in a circle and had a group discussion just like normal chat with question and answer. This discussion duration about 30 minutes, the discussion was about the Aperture of the camera. While we having discussion, Mr Vinod write down the main point from our discussion. At the end of discussion, Mr Vinod conclude our discussion. Overall he said that our discussion was great, we have touched most of the main point of Aperture. After Mr Vinod gave us a short summary of Aperture, he gave us our second exercise. 2 exercise that we were required to go out of the classroom, both exercise are required to prove the aperture effect, focus point and shutter speed by taking some photo. After we have done our exercise, Mr Vinod brief us about the ePortfolio and hardcopy for the second exercise.

Instruction :
Exercise 2. ai-
-Take a picture of a repetitive subject starting with the right shutter speed, focus point, aperture, and exposure,
-Do not change the angle while taking photo.
-Start with the lowest number of aperture, increse the number of aperture when after you had capture.

Exercise 2 aii-
-Take a picture of a repetitive subject starting with the right shutter speed, focus point, aperture, and exposure,
-Start with the lowest number of aperture, increse the number of aperture when after you had capture.
-Compensate the increase of the aperture with the shutter speed as the aperture is increased to maintain the right exposure.

Exercise 2 a i-
 Aperture: 1.8
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200
 Aperture: 2.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 3.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 7.1
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 10
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

 Aperture: 14
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

Exercise 2 a ii-

Feedback: My exercise by and large produced the right results accept that we're suppose to use the main f-stops: f2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22. Instead of used f-stops that were in between the main stops, so that was technically incorrect and not as instructed. The 2nd exercise I didn't include the exposure details, aperture, ISO, shutter... The results of my work must be in black and white, I can use the setting in your camera or convert it in my computer software.

    On that morning discussion,I was shocked because it was staring by we all siting together and had a discussion. I was scared because I'm a bit shy and I had forget to see the Aperture video that Mr Vinod upload it on facebook. During the discussion, most of my coursemate were actively questioned and answered. I was able to know what is aperture just from their conversation. I had learned more about what is aperture. Moreover, I have gained experience in how to use a DSLR and when it was manual mode. This was my first time using DSLR. This DSLR was belong to my dad, because of this course he borrowed me. I was quite confused while using this type of DSLR, but I believe I will know all about it soon. Futhermore, I learn how to adjust the shutter speed, aperture setting, and focus point. It is fun but it makes me confused on those manual setting.

     From the discussion, I had observed that most of my coursemate getting to becaome an active learner based on their conversation. Moreover, some even search all the detials from web site. While doing the exercise, I observed most of my coursemate know how their camera works and they have done the exercise so fast. Furthermore, Mr Vinod had tough me on how to use my camera. Although I'm still blur of it, but I'll put more effort to understand the concept well.

       It is totally new world for me, last time I very less use camera even digital camera. Now, I had know 1 kind of the setting even I had capture some photos by using DSLR. Beside that, I had understand the role of aperture just like iris of the human eye. It control the size of the hole to allowed the light goes in. Moreover, I realised that learning from group discussion was much more easier to understand then hearing the lecture. Because we were lreaning while we in a fun and relax mode.

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