Monday 21 April 2014

Introduction of Photography (Week 2)

11st April 2014 (Week 2)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Photographs and Photographers
Presentation of Mr Vinod's 10 best liked pictures

On that day, Mr Vinod gave us a general feedback for exercise 1. After that, he showed us some of his favourite photographers like Prabudhha Dasgupta, Raghu Rai, Issey Miyake, Richard Avedon and more. Moreover, Mr Vinod told us about those photographers career and what they were specialized in. Mostly of the photographers are fashion photographers. Nonetheless, he also told us about the quality of the result and how they manage to capture it. Mr Vinod also present his best liked picture to us. Some of it had presented on the first class. After he had finished his presentation, he showed us some of my coursemate's video on exercise. While showing those video, Mr Vinod gave some comments to it.

-Do a reasearch about what is aperture.
-Watch those video that Mr Vinod upload on facebook page.


From the persentation, I learned that positive comments and negative comments of a picture were important. Because different people have different vision, some they liked but some of them does not. Moreover, we should ask more during the lesson. While we are asking, at the same time we are learning too. Besitade that, Mr Vinod mention about our ePortfolio. He said that we should use the correct sentances and words on our ePortfolio. Moreover, we should write the things happen on that day only. Do not write extra things like not related to that day activity.

From the lesson, I notice that some pictures in the slideshow was very amaze. For example, the black and white photo-a man model who wear a wet white shirt. From that picture I could clearly sees the white shirt, last time I saw someone's capture it but failed because cannot see the white part clearly. That picture were saved inside my brain, until today I still remember it. While Mr Vinod present his 10 best like picture, I felt that Mr Vinod very loves his wive and children. Ofcourse, who does not love their family? Mr Vinod put his family photo into his 10 best like picture. Moreover, I had observed some of my coursemate's video. It was very nice and details. I think that my video was the worse.

From experiance and obeservation, I found that most of the pictures are black and white. From my opinion, capture a black and white picture need to be have some skill init. If not the result will very blur. Futhermore, I realised I'm poor in making video and presentation. To do that well, I should practise more of it.

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