Wednesday 2 July 2014

Principle of design (week 12)

Principle of design (week 12)
Chia kha wen (0319625)
Paper cafting assignment

    In the beginning of this assignment, Ms Msslisa told us to find a theme and do 2 design related to the theme, symmetry and asymmetric . During the sketching time, I was totally no idea about what am I going to do and what's my theme was, because my mood was down when I know my video assignment's mark dun have reach my expectation. After doing some research on google,  I had an idea on sketching an apple with flowers for my symmetry and I had asked Ms Maslisa to approve. Her opinion was that idea is too simple, she expect something different from me. The days after, I get inspired by my violin. I learned violin before, but after few month I had stop it due to spm exam is around the corner. I wanted to do something for my violin, to remind me that I had learn before and the passion super loving on it during that time. For symmetry I done it with the whole violin body shape with patterns pop up. As for asymmetric,  I done it with a big tree, under the big tree got a girl playing her cello.

     During crafting process,  I maintained the same slow speed to craft out the papers instead of using fast speed to craft. It is because if you using fast speed, it will ruins your design and you have to redraw and craft again. This considered as my first time doing paper crafting.  It was fun but hard on crafting curve lines. It needs a good passion to finish up.

My art work was shown on below:

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