Thursday 3 July 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 11)

13 June 2014 (week 11)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Introduction to Studio Photography - research on 30s/40s/50s studio protrait.
Final Project : Village (First week)

First week shooting of final project:


Observation: Currently we just had a discussion about our final project for today's lesson. Each of us had to talked about what we wanted or selection of topic. Though the discussion, I observed that the topic that everyone had research for the final project that relate to some part of ourself. Most of the photographer's photograph had a connection to their background, which I found it was very cool that have a very unique and owned photograph style.

Experience: On today's discussion, I had share my topics that I choose for my self to my course mates which is the photograph of transparent bottles and village. After I had describe both of the topics to my course mates and Mr Vinod, Mr Vinod gave me a feedback that he like my village photograph idea and this was my first choice for the topic of final project. The reason I choose village is because my house nearby a village which quite modernized, it was something like village of 80s or 90s. On another hand, I wished to do this topic because it considered as my last memory of my dear grandfather who takes more care and spend the most time with me since I was born then my parents. My grandfather was a chef of a village in Seremban when he was young before, but he retired when I was born. As a return, I planed to do something that related to him.

Finding: While doing the exercise at the village, I tried to capture something that Mr Vinod suggested to me which is old-fashioned slippers. But I found it was hard because those white slippers with blue stripes at the side was hardly found nowadays, what I could manage found was Birkenstock and Corcs.

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