Tuesday 22 July 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 13)

27.6.2014 (Week 13)

Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Presentation: Final Project (Thrid week)


Observation: On today's lesson, I had observed that I am count as the only textile learner in my class. During the lesson, Mr Vinod talked about our Learning Style Inventory test which concluded to three type, visual, textile, and auditory learner. I am a textile learner which same with Mr Vinod. Textile learner cannot focus or learning through just lecture, it minds will thinking other stuff then focus on lecture. I am totally agree I am a textile learner, I cannot learn in such a boring lecture section.

Experience: First time go in a photo studio in my whole life, feel excited that we will learn all the stuff in photo studio.

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