Thursday 24 July 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 16)

18.7.2014 (Week 16)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Photoshoot: Soft box and Beauty plate
Final Project: Final week (Final selection of 5/ Rationale)

 Chia Kha Wen (born November 1996, Malaysia) studying Foundation in Design in Taylors University Lakeside Campus. I get the intrest of Photography from my father who passion about photography. Futhermore, I choose Introduction to Photography as my elective course in this semester because I was curious and wanted know more about my father who loved Photography a lot and I tried to over my limit to learn more skills. For a certaim people, capture a picture is just because the scenario was nice or just wanted to show off to others that you had been there. But for me, capture a photo it can frozen that timing, record or to memorize something that memorable to you. In a certain timing stages, some people might hope that could freeze the time to enjoy last longer time, that included me. As my topic, Village, was something that I hope I could freeze back that moments. The moments that my grandfather still alive and keep helping me. My grandfather was the one who take care and able spend more time with me then my parents. On that time, we lived in a Chinese village singing and dance together while on the way to kindergarden school. Through the rise of improvement in technology, Chinese village had a sudden fall, so we moved to a neightbour hood. After few weeks we had moved, my grandfather was pass away. As you can see in my series, I had found my toddle memorise through the environment of the chinese village.

Introduction to photography (week 15)

11.7.2014 (Week15)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Final project (Fifth week)
Studio Photography: Photoshooting 

Photo Shooting:

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 13)

27.6.2014 (Week 13)

Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Presentation: Final Project (Thrid week)


Observation: On today's lesson, I had observed that I am count as the only textile learner in my class. During the lesson, Mr Vinod talked about our Learning Style Inventory test which concluded to three type, visual, textile, and auditory learner. I am a textile learner which same with Mr Vinod. Textile learner cannot focus or learning through just lecture, it minds will thinking other stuff then focus on lecture. I am totally agree I am a textile learner, I cannot learn in such a boring lecture section.

Experience: First time go in a photo studio in my whole life, feel excited that we will learn all the stuff in photo studio.

Introduction to photography (week 14)

4.7.2014 (Week 14)

Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Final Project (Fourth week)
Presentation: Studio Photography Portraits 

Feedback: the shots for this week, were about the same as last week. The shot of the house, Mr Vinod think the 3 shot was composed well. The other shots seems to lack a point of interest, that's why composition suffered. The exposure was a little dull, lacking in a little bit of contrast perhaps, but it is still acceptable as I can edit them in photoshop later, to increase contrast. Right now, I must shoot some more, in so that you can identify, good subjects and re shoot them if necessary and try to capture well composed images with strong points of interest.


Observation: On today's lesson, I observed that photo studio was very clean and tidy. Although the outlook  was a small room but there's many things that we need to know and learned. While shooting section, I realized that lightning was important. Moreover, to get a good-lightning studio photograph needs a lot of people to cooperate and helping.

Experience: During the shooting section, I get a motive to in-charge those light position. Those light was super heavy, I get easily unbalanced while moving the light.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 11)

13 June 2014 (week 11)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Introduction to Studio Photography - research on 30s/40s/50s studio protrait.
Final Project : Village (First week)

First week shooting of final project:


Observation: Currently we just had a discussion about our final project for today's lesson. Each of us had to talked about what we wanted or selection of topic. Though the discussion, I observed that the topic that everyone had research for the final project that relate to some part of ourself. Most of the photographer's photograph had a connection to their background, which I found it was very cool that have a very unique and owned photograph style.

Experience: On today's discussion, I had share my topics that I choose for my self to my course mates which is the photograph of transparent bottles and village. After I had describe both of the topics to my course mates and Mr Vinod, Mr Vinod gave me a feedback that he like my village photograph idea and this was my first choice for the topic of final project. The reason I choose village is because my house nearby a village which quite modernized, it was something like village of 80s or 90s. On another hand, I wished to do this topic because it considered as my last memory of my dear grandfather who takes more care and spend the most time with me since I was born then my parents. My grandfather was a chef of a village in Seremban when he was young before, but he retired when I was born. As a return, I planed to do something that related to him.

Finding: While doing the exercise at the village, I tried to capture something that Mr Vinod suggested to me which is old-fashioned slippers. But I found it was hard because those white slippers with blue stripes at the side was hardly found nowadays, what I could manage found was Birkenstock and Corcs.

Introduction to photography (week 12)

27 June 2014 (week 12)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Final project: Village (second week)


Observation:  On this week exercise, I tried to take something more details and nearer photographs. Last week most of my photograph was landscaped dun have any details version.

Experience: I get scolded by the owner of the house while I'm shooting his house, he though I was a robbery or something else. At the same time I kept explaining that I'm just a student, and I need to capture some photo for my assignment. He finally stop arguing and apologized to me when I show him my student ID.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Principle of design (week 12)

Principle of design (week 12)
Chia kha wen (0319625)
Paper cafting assignment

    In the beginning of this assignment, Ms Msslisa told us to find a theme and do 2 design related to the theme, symmetry and asymmetric . During the sketching time, I was totally no idea about what am I going to do and what's my theme was, because my mood was down when I know my video assignment's mark dun have reach my expectation. After doing some research on google,  I had an idea on sketching an apple with flowers for my symmetry and I had asked Ms Maslisa to approve. Her opinion was that idea is too simple, she expect something different from me. The days after, I get inspired by my violin. I learned violin before, but after few month I had stop it due to spm exam is around the corner. I wanted to do something for my violin, to remind me that I had learn before and the passion super loving on it during that time. For symmetry I done it with the whole violin body shape with patterns pop up. As for asymmetric,  I done it with a big tree, under the big tree got a girl playing her cello.

     During crafting process,  I maintained the same slow speed to craft out the papers instead of using fast speed to craft. It is because if you using fast speed, it will ruins your design and you have to redraw and craft again. This considered as my first time doing paper crafting.  It was fun but hard on crafting curve lines. It needs a good passion to finish up.

My art work was shown on below: