Tuesday 29 April 2014

Introduction to Photography (Week 4, exercise 2)

25th April 2014
Chia Kha Wen 0319625
Exercise 2b (Shutter speed) and 2c (ISO)

   On that day, we have two topics to discuss, about ISO and Shutter Speed. Firstly, same as last lesson, we had a group discussion about ISO. After group discussion, Mr Vinod gave us a summary on ISO and then he gave us an exercise (exercise 2c). On that exercise, Mr Vinod asked us 2 question and prove to him by pictures, We were allowed to go outside of the classroom to do our exercise. Second discussion was start after we had finish our exercise 2c, this discussion is about Shutter speed. Compared to the first discussion, second discussion was smoother. At the end of the class, Mr Vinod gave us a homework (exercise 2b) regarding shutter speed.

Exercise 2b~
By using a ceiling fan,  keep the fan speed at 1 and capture images using shutter settings from 1/1000th of second until 1/4th of second. Repeat this exercise after changing the fan speed from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3 and so on.
1. Capture the picture of the fin of ceiling fan with the shutter speed 1/1000th.
2. Slowly decrease the number of shutter speed, stop until when it is 1/4th.
3. Adjust the ISO and aperture while decreasing the shutter speed.
4. Repeat the step above with another 2 type of fan speed.

Exercise 2ci~
Does ISO effect exposure? Yes (prove it)
 ISO: 200
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8
  ISO: 400
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

  ISO: 800
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

ISO: 1600
Shutter speed: 1/60th
Aperture: 2.8

My shutter speed exercise was not very accurate because I didn't start with the right exposure according to your camera, hence my picture was dark at 1/1000. This was probably due to a lack of light. For the ISO exercise the exercise seems accurate accept that Mr Vinod didn't see to much difference in the pictures when the exposure was changed, it didn't get a lot lighter..., so perhaps here again I didn't start with the right exposure. The subject (model) was also blurred, I must pay more attention when taking pictures and review your shots before wrapping up your exercise.

Exercise 2cii~
What happens when the ISO is increased? (prove it)
 ISO: 200
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f5
  ISO: 400
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f5.6

   ISO: 800
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f7.1
  ISO: 1600
Shutter speed:1/15th
Aperture: f8


From the first discussion, I had learn that ISO is a sensor to light.
Lower ISO= Lower sensitive= Less light needed
High ISO= High sensitive= More light needed
On the second discussion, I know that shutter speed is while you taking the picture, the moment that you allow light goes in the lens and captured. From those exercise, I realised that ISO, shutter speed and aperture was form like a triangle. To capture a nice photo, must balence or adjust 3 of them only that with a good result.

Observation:  On Thursday night, I have a hard time on my bed, keep trying to fall asleep but failed. At 4am something I only managed to fall asleep and I get up at 6am to prepare to campus. That is why on Friday class I was very sleepy. At here, I would like to apology to Mr Vinod. I am so sorry that I did not behave well in class, I will change it.

Findings: From those discussion and exercise, I had know more about how to adjust ISO, shutter speed and aperture by using a manual mode DSLR. On the first week, I was blur and dun know how to use my camera, but after few exercise finally I understand my camera well. Thus, I understood that asking is a important stage during learning process.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 3, exercise 2)

18th April 2014 (week 3)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Exercise 2: Aperture

   On that day morning, Mr Vinod called us sat in a circle and had a group discussion just like normal chat with question and answer. This discussion duration about 30 minutes, the discussion was about the Aperture of the camera. While we having discussion, Mr Vinod write down the main point from our discussion. At the end of discussion, Mr Vinod conclude our discussion. Overall he said that our discussion was great, we have touched most of the main point of Aperture. After Mr Vinod gave us a short summary of Aperture, he gave us our second exercise. 2 exercise that we were required to go out of the classroom, both exercise are required to prove the aperture effect, focus point and shutter speed by taking some photo. After we have done our exercise, Mr Vinod brief us about the ePortfolio and hardcopy for the second exercise.

Instruction :
Exercise 2. ai-
-Take a picture of a repetitive subject starting with the right shutter speed, focus point, aperture, and exposure,
-Do not change the angle while taking photo.
-Start with the lowest number of aperture, increse the number of aperture when after you had capture.

Exercise 2 aii-
-Take a picture of a repetitive subject starting with the right shutter speed, focus point, aperture, and exposure,
-Start with the lowest number of aperture, increse the number of aperture when after you had capture.
-Compensate the increase of the aperture with the shutter speed as the aperture is increased to maintain the right exposure.

Exercise 2 a i-
 Aperture: 1.8
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200
 Aperture: 2.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 3.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 7.1
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

  Aperture: 10
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

 Aperture: 14
Shutter speed: 1/1000
ISO: 200

Exercise 2 a ii-

Feedback: My exercise by and large produced the right results accept that we're suppose to use the main f-stops: f2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22. Instead of used f-stops that were in between the main stops, so that was technically incorrect and not as instructed. The 2nd exercise I didn't include the exposure details, aperture, ISO, shutter... The results of my work must be in black and white, I can use the setting in your camera or convert it in my computer software.

    On that morning discussion,I was shocked because it was staring by we all siting together and had a discussion. I was scared because I'm a bit shy and I had forget to see the Aperture video that Mr Vinod upload it on facebook. During the discussion, most of my coursemate were actively questioned and answered. I was able to know what is aperture just from their conversation. I had learned more about what is aperture. Moreover, I have gained experience in how to use a DSLR and when it was manual mode. This was my first time using DSLR. This DSLR was belong to my dad, because of this course he borrowed me. I was quite confused while using this type of DSLR, but I believe I will know all about it soon. Futhermore, I learn how to adjust the shutter speed, aperture setting, and focus point. It is fun but it makes me confused on those manual setting.

     From the discussion, I had observed that most of my coursemate getting to becaome an active learner based on their conversation. Moreover, some even search all the detials from web site. While doing the exercise, I observed most of my coursemate know how their camera works and they have done the exercise so fast. Furthermore, Mr Vinod had tough me on how to use my camera. Although I'm still blur of it, but I'll put more effort to understand the concept well.

       It is totally new world for me, last time I very less use camera even digital camera. Now, I had know 1 kind of the setting even I had capture some photos by using DSLR. Beside that, I had understand the role of aperture just like iris of the human eye. It control the size of the hole to allowed the light goes in. Moreover, I realised that learning from group discussion was much more easier to understand then hearing the lecture. Because we were lreaning while we in a fun and relax mode.

Monday 21 April 2014

Introduction of Photography (Week 2)

11st April 2014 (Week 2)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Photographs and Photographers
Presentation of Mr Vinod's 10 best liked pictures

On that day, Mr Vinod gave us a general feedback for exercise 1. After that, he showed us some of his favourite photographers like Prabudhha Dasgupta, Raghu Rai, Issey Miyake, Richard Avedon and more. Moreover, Mr Vinod told us about those photographers career and what they were specialized in. Mostly of the photographers are fashion photographers. Nonetheless, he also told us about the quality of the result and how they manage to capture it. Mr Vinod also present his best liked picture to us. Some of it had presented on the first class. After he had finished his presentation, he showed us some of my coursemate's video on exercise. While showing those video, Mr Vinod gave some comments to it.

-Do a reasearch about what is aperture.
-Watch those video that Mr Vinod upload on facebook page.


From the persentation, I learned that positive comments and negative comments of a picture were important. Because different people have different vision, some they liked but some of them does not. Moreover, we should ask more during the lesson. While we are asking, at the same time we are learning too. Besitade that, Mr Vinod mention about our ePortfolio. He said that we should use the correct sentances and words on our ePortfolio. Moreover, we should write the things happen on that day only. Do not write extra things like not related to that day activity.

From the lesson, I notice that some pictures in the slideshow was very amaze. For example, the black and white photo-a man model who wear a wet white shirt. From that picture I could clearly sees the white shirt, last time I saw someone's capture it but failed because cannot see the white part clearly. That picture were saved inside my brain, until today I still remember it. While Mr Vinod present his 10 best like picture, I felt that Mr Vinod very loves his wive and children. Ofcourse, who does not love their family? Mr Vinod put his family photo into his 10 best like picture. Moreover, I had observed some of my coursemate's video. It was very nice and details. I think that my video was the worse.

From experiance and obeservation, I found that most of the pictures are black and white. From my opinion, capture a black and white picture need to be have some skill init. If not the result will very blur. Futhermore, I realised I'm poor in making video and presentation. To do that well, I should practise more of it.

Principal of Design (week 2, exercise 1)

10th April 2014 (week 2)
Chia Kha Wen 0319625
Introduction to Principal of Design.

  First lesson from Miss Maslisa. During the lesson, she gave a lecture about the course (Principal of design) in a sub title <Who am I>. She said that on her assignment must to be neat and clean work. After she introduce herself, she called us to introduce ourself. At the same time, she gave us an exercise on how are we going to introduce ourself.

   There's two exercise she gave us. First exercise is we have to draw a mind map about ourself on a A3 size paper. Second exercise is do a self portrait by using nature material on A3 size paper. Such as leaf, flowers, dried branches, rubbish and more. The time duration for this 2 exercise that she gave us is 2 hours and 30 minutes, and then made a presentation in front of the class. After she had announce all the details, me and my coursemates went out class to get those materials that we need for our exercise.

   We went to the bookstore to get some A3 size paper and Uhu gum. On the way we going back to design room, we picked up some leaf, flowers and dried branches for our portrait. It took us around 30 minutes. After that we went back to design room to do our exercise. During the process, I had put to much time on my mind map, just left a few minute for my portrait.

   When Miss Maslisa called my name for presentation, I was very nervous because I'm shy in presentation in front of class. I though I will be mess up on my presentation, but not! I'm doing well and better then last time. Its great to know that I can solve this problem and getting braver. After all of my coursemate's presentation, Miss Maslisa gave us an assignment. On that assignment, we need to do a research about art movement, find the types that suit our personality, sketch 3 of them, and type into blog as an ePortfolio.

   During the procedure of the assignment, I found that there are nearly hundreds type of it and it is hard to find the types that suit my personality. Because I dun know my self well. After searching most of it, I had decided choose Danish Golden Age. The reason I choose this is because those art took on a new period creativity catalysed by romanticism from Germany although copenhagen had suffered from fires, bombardment and national bankruptcy. It reminds me the hard time during high school facing the presure of SPM. I'm a sub science student, my academic result are bad, but if you asked me question I can answered it smoothly, but I cannot apply it in paper or list form, dun know why. Enroll into university is the main turning point for me. It represent my future what I'm going to do, in return or a responsibility of a child to parents. After 7 months I'm turning in to 18, an adult. Its time to change into I raise my parents, not they raise me anymore. They need to take a rest and enjoy life. These for me it delegate the Golden Age of me.

 My mind map XD just a part of me ^^. This is my first sketch of mind map, still in practise ><
Miss Maslisa said my mind map looks so happy =D

Portrait of myself. As you can see it is simple, because not enough time. 
Miss Maslisa said that I should have a time management. ><

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Introduction to Photography (Week 1, Exercise 1)

4th April 2014, week 1
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 1:  Presentation of 10 of my best-liked pictures

Today is the first time having Mr. Vinod's class. He gave us a lecture on Introduction to photography and he introduced his career. 
From the lecture I understood that:
-Our 1st semaster will divide into three(40% Exercise, 40% Theme based project and 20% Portfolio)
-20% Portfolio  was hardcopy / documentary / ePortfolio (Reflection- what did you observe/learn in class)
-Anything about the exercise/project we can find out at yourbrief.wordpress.com or Times Portal.
-Things to need on lesson (Manual mode DSLR, Tripod, Laptop and a Clear file)
-Which type of mirrorless camera better (Fuji~X-E1 model, Olympus~OM-D model, Panasonic~G series)
-Which type of DSLR better (APSC Sensor size)
-Where to buy second hand camera/lens (Shashinki, Keat Camera and Pudu Plaza)
-Fixed lens is better than extend lens.

1. Choose 10 of your best-liked pictures. Five of your own photographs and another five others photographers .
2. Record your presentation about why you liked those picture.
3. Upload your pictures and video to your ePortfolio.
4. Do and print out hardcopy for exercise 1.


Experience: During the lecture, Mr Vinod explain about how TGC works. Furthermore, he gave us an exercise (exercise 1: presentation 10 of your best liked picture). He instruct us on how to do and what to do on this exercise. Mr. Vinod showed us a refillable clear file for our hardcopy. Beside that he explain to us why we should do an ePortfolio on blog. We should do because ePortfolio is a record, a diary recorded all your lesson, exercise and more. In the future when interview for work, ePortfolio will help us a lot. After he explain finished about the exercise, he told us about camera like, mirror-less camera and DSLR camera. Moreover he told us which brands of mirror-less camera or DSLR good. When nearly end of the class, Mr. Vinod introduced himself, designer and photographer. He showed us some of his project, it was really amaze.

Observation: In Mr. Vinod's class, I had learn a few thing which very new to me. Example, best not to have a DSLR with extand lens. It will affect the quality of the result. Mr. Vinod was very cheerful and positive thinking, he sharing his experience to us. 

Finding: Through this exercise, I realise that it not just 1 type of photographer, there is many kind of them. Example light photographer, child portrait photographer and more. Beside that I have learn to do a diary record on blog, which I never try before. Last but not least, I realize I need to improve, there is so much that is new for me. I should work harder.