Wednesday 18 June 2014

Introduction to Photography (week 10)

6th June 2014 (week 10)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Lecture and Presentation (Project week1)

Lecture: On today class, Mr Vinod present to us on how and what we are going to do our project. This project take 6 weeks to complete it. Furthermore,  he gave us a lecture on zone system and composition to recall what we learnt from past few weeks. We will using all those technique in our final project.

-Find a theme for your final project.

Transparent glass:

Village (Kampung Baru Ampang):

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Principle of Design (week 8)

Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Principal of design
22.5.2014 (week 8)

       On today class, a A4 size mounting  board and a phone or camera (that you can record a video)was needed. My and my course mate was guessing what we are going to do on class, mostly was record a video. At first, Miss Maslisa gave us a lecture on composition which the points was same as Mr Vinod's class, Photography class. After the lecture, Miss Maslisa showed us some previous students small video which we are going to do next. Next, we were required to do a frame (by cutting the middle rectangle part). At the same time, choose a subject material to work with. The instruction of the assignment is capture 30 images (the frame must be inside the screen) and made it into a slide show.
        My subject material which Miss Maslisa choose for me was candy. After chosen the subject material for each one of us, we had 1 hour to try to capture the image with subject material and the frame. During that 1 hour, I realised that my candy must more than 1 only will have the effect. So, I went to jusco in Sunway pyramid to shop for candy. It was my first time to shop for candy, because usually I dislike sweet things, if not I will not shop for that. I spent RM20 for 10 pack different kinds of candy. 

        During weekend, I spent around 5 hours to capture the images at my house. I felt fun, enjoy and adventure while doing this assignment, because it was my first time to do a stop motion. Moreover on these images that I had capture,I was trying to make it looks adorable. Form my point of  view, it did not cover it all but got some parts was related to it. That is why I am putting a Korean song as the background music. For me, this Korean song was very cute and when I was doing this video, I was thinking this video might can be a confess or a valentines video too. At the end, I choose 38 images for my video

        Because of this assignment, finally I know how to do a video by using movie maker. It was cool and amazed (because I was sucks on any electronic device). By doing these assignment, I get to know more that laptop was not only for internet, it can do a lot of things other than that. Thanks to all lecture who bringing us to a new world.

Monday 2 June 2014

Introduction of photography (week 9)

30.5.2014 (week 9)
Chia Kha Wen (0319625)
Photoshop - edit your selfie

Lecture:  For today class, we start learning edit pictures by using Adobe Photoshop. At first, because we all did not read the link that Mr Vinod gave us. So, the discussion was cancelled. Since the discussion was cancelled, Mr Vinod started to teach us how to use photoshop for edit picture. After that, we apply the technique that we just learn on our selfie and then use it as facebook profile picture for the whole semester.

1. Edit your selfie by using Adobe Photoshop.
2. Use it as Facebook profile picture.


After edit

Experience- On today lesson, it remind me my high school life. I had learnt Adobe Photoshop when I was 14 and 15 years old, it was IT class, it is a compulsary subject which everyone must learn it. Plus, I joined journalism club. We used Photoshop to design our school magazine, when I heard from Mr Vinod that Photoshop is only edit photo and I shocked because I used that design a lot of thing on high school. I had stop using Photoshop for 2 years, todays class was a recall for me. At the same time, it was my first time edit pictures, because I dun use Photoshop to edit ownself picture before, I only edit cartoons.

Observation- On today lesson, I observed some technique on Photoshop that I did not use before. Like change the picture to black and white and adjust the zone system. Moreover, Mr Vinod demonstrate us on how to edit a self portrait at the same time he teach us the function of the tools in Photoshop. Nonetheless, I feel that edit self portrait was hard, maybe is that I had stoped Photoshop long time ago. Now, my brain just remember a few tools but not much, and all the skill i had learnt before was gone.

Finding- Based on the experience and observation above, I enjoy using Photoshop. Firstly, I had done these before although I had forgot most technique of them. Second, I had fun on using the tools and made something different then the original one. I will continue to use it for editing to recall back my memories.